Choosing a gym: 10 tips for choosing a great gym


If you choose a fitness club on the other side of town, will you be able to stay motivated and make the effort to attend regularly? Probably not. Especially on days when your commitment is minimal and your schedule is not busy. A good fitness club location will ideally be somewhere between your home and work. A fitness club in the area will reduce your stress levels, allow you to exercise, and save you a lot of travel time.


Joining a fitness club can be a big financial commitment. Gym membership fees are not something to be taken lightly and are often the main reason people choose a particular gym. Cheap gym memberships may seem like a much better option at first, but it can be a bad choice if those gyms can’t meet your needs. The same goes for more expensive fitness drugs. You may be paying too much for what you are getting. Additionally, many fitness centres will require a registration fee. You can just wait for some special offer to save on these fees, but you can also talk to the staff. I suggest that you consider several other gyms and see what they can offer you right away.


Gym amenities and fees go hand in hand. If you don’t plan on using much of what the gym has to offer, you may be overpaying. Alternatively, if you enjoy a sauna or a decent swim after your regular workout, a cheaper gym without these amenities may not be for you. Be sure to find out what the gym’s facilities are and how often you will be using them. State-of-the-art facilities can be a good way to draw attention to your registration, but you need to be sure that you will need everything the gym provides. If you require special facilities such as free parking, group lessons, or group lessons, check to see if they are included in your membership price or if you have to pay extra for them.

Membership Agreement

To protect both your interests and the interests of the fitness club, there is an excellent fitness club agreement. Find out how employees interact with you and if they can be pushy. If they expect you to join on the spot, walk away. Ideally, you would want to take home a written contract, read it very carefully, and think it over. Find out how long the written contract is valid for and if there are any hidden fees. Will your contract automatically carry over? Make a deal with the staff, think of it as a sport, and you can often get significantly lower rates. Ask to try the option before signing a binding contract, but be careful not to sign any paper. Less respectable gyms may slip you a contract while saying it’s a “liability” form.

Working hours

Will your favourite gym be open during the hours you might think of working out? Many people exercise in the morning; some prefer evening hours; and there are gyms that are closed on weekends. You’ll want to look for a fitness club that fits your hectic schedule. Otherwise, you’ll end up paying for a gym you can’t access at a time that suits you best.


Great gyms have good staff who are supportive, warm, friendly, and skilled. The staff is there to answer any questions you may have, help you create your fitness routines, and even spot you during your workouts. Be sure to ask about their credentials and see how they treat you as a potential new member. If you’re having trouble getting your questions answered, be sceptical of how they’ll treat you once you sign up at the gym. Friendliness is a great asset. A depressed expression as a greeting to your fitness club can drain all the energy out of you.

Permanent members

It is important to choose a gym where you feel comfortable while playing sports. You should not feel uncomfortable, threatened or embarrassed. Find out what kinds of people are working out at your favourite fitness club. Are these really your favourite people? If you want to exercise intensely, you won’t like a fitness club that has friendly chats on its schedule. If you like meeting new people, go to a gym where there is a great personal atmosphere and people interact with each other effortlessly. If you don’t value shared gyms, you can choose a ladies-only or men’s-only gym near you.

Gym equipment

Whenever you visit your chosen fitness club, be sure to look around. What exactly do you notice? Does everyone have enough machines, weight plates, and hand weights? Try to find out if members are waiting in line for their favourite fitness equipment and exercises. Some gyms are famous for using time limits on fitness cardio machines. If you plan to do a lot of cardio, this time limit won’t work for you. If you are a serious bodybuilder or want to become one, make sure that the available dumbbells, weight loads, and weight plates meet your needs.


There is absolutely nothing worse than a fitness club without any hygiene requirements. You want to sign up at a gym where they have clean fitness equipment, locker rooms, bathrooms, and restrooms. Look around on your initial visit. Are there enough towels to clean the gym equipment after each use? Also, make sure that employees follow these requirements. While you’re there, check out the locker room, showers, and restrooms. If you don’t appreciate what you see, you can bet your money that hygiene standards are not followed in this club.

Good friends

Talk to people you’re friends with and ask them where they’ve been in shape and if they’re happy. Many times, your friends and people you already know can give you great insight into great community gyms and warn you about gyms to avoid.

Fitness lifestyle

Several of you have written to me about how to deal with the days when you don’t work; when you don’t follow a meal plan; and when you’re not supposed to participate in a physical activity. We tend to call these “off days” or “rest days”. Some people even have “off seasons” and I think these names are quite apt. I think the main idea or concept for those of us who get into and live the fitness lifestyle is that there is never a time when our bodies are not doing anything. The only time your body will come close to not doing anything is when you’re dead and then it’s still doing something; this is called decay. But seriously, we need to understand that being fit is more than a workout at the gym or a series of well-planned meals; it’s truly a lifestyle.

Popular attitudes to avoid

So often, I talk to people who are into bodybuilding and bodybuilding competitions. These are sports that I personally love and respect. These sports are characterised by a huge number of amazing athletes, and they have always held a firm place in my heart as some of my favourite personalities and friends. However, most people (but rarely athletes) tend to mislabel these people and mistakenly believe that they are the epitome of the fitness lifestyle. In most cases (there are exceptions), I can say that nothing could be further from the truth. I’ve lived this lifestyle most of my life, so I know what I’m talking about.

In my experience, most of these people are only engaged in a 24/7 fitness lifestyle when it’s time to prepare for a competition. Many of them don’t train for weeks at a time, eat whatever they want and binge drink, literally feeding themselves on food, then turn around and go on extreme diets to prepare for their show. Also, most people I’ve known in these sports (myself included at one point) only exercise and eat “clean” at different times of the year during the years they compete.

Over time, large fluctuations in body weight, excessive steroid use, and constantly changing dietary practises take their toll. Once their lives have moved past the competition phase, most of them tend to become recreational exercisers and end up with the same fitness deficiencies that most other people face. While sport is a great way to stay in shape and enjoy your life, we need to ensure that we create lifestyle qualities that will last beyond our competitive days. I have struggled with this for years, and I can say that it is a huge challenge for a former bodybuilder.

Get to know yourself It’s going to be a long ride.

Living fit (for life) means that you recognise your body’s physical fitness deficiencies and develop a lifestyle that will improve and maintain them at a high level. It really is that simple. It’s not a get ripped-up in the summer, then get all the weight back in the fall kind of lifestyle. Of course, there are times when a capable person can decide on an aspect of fitness and improve it significantly to enjoy its benefits, but remember, there is no stopping point.

This is a key concept that is so simple, yet so missing in most people’s lives. The fitness lifestyle never stops. It doesn’t stop when you stop playing sports, it doesn’t stop when you get married, or it doesn’t stop when you start your own business. There is no stopping point for those who live fitly. Of course, we all have setbacks, struggles, and challenges to overcome, but we overcome them. We know that these setbacks, struggles, and challenges will be overcome by living a fitness lifestyle. In other words, we don’t change our lifestyle to solve problems; we solve problems by maintaining our lifestyle. As simple as this sounds, I have found that this is probably the most difficult aspect of life that most people face.

Of course, there are meals, days, and times when we do things that go against our fitness beliefs and lives. But they are the exception, not the rule. These things are allowed into our lives as breaks from the norm, as brief events that add to our lives in other ways and are worth the cost.

Some examples may be:

  1. There are so many positive things that come out of eating cake with your child on their birthday.
  2. Having a drink with an old friend who needs to talk to—friends are priceless; it won’t hurt you.
  3. Many things in life are irreplaceable, like enjoying cultural events, enjoying local food and drinks.

So you get the picture. Living fit isn’t about sporting six-pack abs all year long (but it can include that) until you get married and then adopt a beer belly. Living fitly is about choices and actions throughout your life that lead to the improvement of your physical condition as your life moves from phase to phase and from relationship to relationship. The thing I love most about the fitness lifestyle is that it’s never too late to start. This is an amazing concept that has changed the lives of millions of people, including me, and it can do the same if you want it to.

I encourage you to take a hard look at the many lifestyle choices you make now and consider ways to incorporate a healthier fitness mindset into those things to build and create a lifestyle that will keep you in great fitness from now on. forward. You can do it! A fit lifestyle is a choice, and that choice is yours.

Here’s to you!

How to make it a fitness model!

So you want to be a fitness model?

People who follow my stuff know that I usually write about nutrition, supplements, training, and other topics that are more science-based than subjective topics like the one covered in this article. I decided to let go of my scientist persona and write about a topic that I believe will benefit thousands of people who would like to become fitness models.

Also, as a known “hard-core” science writer, why am I writing what some will perceive as “fluff” writing? Over the years, I’ve had hundreds, maybe thousands, of girls ask me in emails, letters, or in person, “How can I become a fitness model, Willa? You’ve been in this business a long time, and are pissed off of all people. You know. ” I get it from beginners, and I get it from women who have been at it for a while but haven’t been able to “break in” effectively.

The fact is that I have been in the fitness, health, and bodybuilding business for a long time and although I am known as a science and nutrition based “guru” type, I have trained many fitness athletes and judged fitness and figure/bikini shows for NPC, Fitness America, Fitness USA, and other federations, as well as providing marketing and business advice to all types of athletes, including fitness models. So, it’s not as far-fetched as it might seem that I’m going to use this space to cover the non-scientific topic of how one can become a fitness model.

This article will be useful for both experienced and novice types who want to “break into” the business. If you are already a professional and successful fitness model, I am sure you can still get some useful information from this article.

First, the bad news: There is no one way to become a successful fitness model. There is no single path or magic secret. However, there are some key things a person can do to greatly improve their chances of “making it” in the fitness business as a model and possibly use that success as a launching pad for bigger things like movies, TV, etc.

Several of the top fitness models (Trish Stratus and Vicki Pratt come to mind, but there are many others) have gone on to have careers in all forms of entertainment. Basically, while there is no magic secret to success as a fitness model, this article will be as close to a blueprint for success as you’ll find.

“Do I have to compete?”

This is a question I get asked all the time, and it’s not an easy one to answer. Actually, the answer is (drum roll) yes and no. To answer this question, a person must first decide why they are competing. For example, do you have to compete if your goal is to be a successful fitness model?

The answer is no. Many of today’s well-known fitness models have never competed or appeared in a few small shows, and this was clearly not part of their success as fitness models. However, competition has its potential uses.

One of them is exposure. Top-tier shows will often feature editors, publishers, photographers, spin-off business owners, and other entrepreneurs. Thus, the competition can improve your exposure. Competing can also make sense if you are trying to build a business that is related to your competition or will benefit from winning the show.

For example, let’s say you have a private gym you’re trying to build. Of course, the title of Ms. Fitness America or winning NPC Nationals and IFBB Pro status will enhance your reputation and your company’s notoriety. There are many scenarios where winning a show for a business or other endeavour would be beneficial.

On the other hand, it must be understood that winning the show in no way guarantees success in the business (and it really is a business) of being a fitness model. The phone will not ring with big contract offers. Also, it is very important to realise that the 4th, 6th, or 8th place finisher in a fitness or figure show will be under more pressure than the winner. Why? While the winner might have what it takes to win the show, often the editor, publishers, supplement companies, etc., believe it is more marketable.

I’ve seen it many times where the winner was shocked to find she didn’t get nearly the attention she expected, and other girls who ranked lower have gotten attention in photoshoots, magazines, etc. What to keep in mind when you ask yourself the important question “should I compete and if so, why should I compete?” Answer this question and you will know the answer to the title of this section. Having some sort of title can be a stepping stone, but it does not in and of itself guarantee success in the fitness industry. It’s like a college degree; it’s what you do with it.

Now, If you’re competing for fun, then by all means, but the above is focused on competition as it relates to the business side of the fitness model.

Right structure, wrong federation?

Okay, so after reading the above, you’ve decided you’re going to compete or will compete again. If you don’t plan to compete, you can skip this section. The biggest mistake I see here is that so many girls have the right body for the wrong federation. Each federation has their own judging criteria, and a competitor will do poorly simply because they didn’t bother to research which show would be the best fit for them.

I will give you a perfect real-world example of this. I recently judged a show whose criteria for the figure round was that the women should be more curvaceous, softer with some tone, versus the more muscular and athletic with less body fat that other federations could afford. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen came out of this show. She was well proportioned with great muscle tone, slim and athletic with narrow hips and waist and broader shoulders. How did she do on this show? She didn’t even make the top ten!

Why? Because she wasn’t what we were told to look for and didn’t fit the criteria. After the show, I informed her that she looked great, but this might not be the federation for her. I told her that she has a much more NPC-type body where a little more muscle, an athletic build and less body fat are rewarded.

The next week, I was judging the NPC Fitness, Figure, and Bodybuilding Show and there she was. How was she? She won the entire show, and all the judges unanimously voted her number one.

Conversely, if your body type tends to be more rounded and toned, but with a little more body fat and wider (but not fatter!) hips, you may be better off competing in competitions like the Fitness America Pageants. If you plan to participate in the competition, please

(1) Determine the exact evaluation criteria of this federation and

(2) Attend these shows as a spectator for a variety of federations to determine which one best suits your body type, style, and so on.

(3) You must determine whether you have the athletic ability to compete in a fitness competition (which requires a routine) or a figure/bikini contest.

I often see women who would be fine with a pageant but really lack the athletic ability to do the routines necessary to be competitive with the other athletes in the show. Some shows will allow you to both compete, and some won’t.

Networking 101: Dos and Don’ts…

In so many ways, this is the area that will make or break you in any business, and yet people in the fitness industry do an amazingly bad job. If you don’t properly network and market yourself, you can forget about real success as a fitness model or success in virtually any business. For the sake of space, let’s stick to fitness.

When I first started out, I was a self-marketing machine. I could be found at every show I could think of as an opportunity, walking the isles, bodybuilding shows, fitness shows and more. I handed out a zillion cards, took home a million, and kept track of each one. I went to as many industry-related meetings, outings, parties, etc. as I could. I have such a reputation and experience in the industry that I don’t have to go to a show like this unless I feel like it or there’s an appointment, but they were very helpful in the beginning.

I am always amazed at the number of fitness models who contact me who have never been to the Arnold Classic Fitness Weekend or Mr. Olympia, or at exhibitions such as NNFA Expo West and others. If you want to be successful in the fitness business, make sure you treat it like a business.

I have seen many beautiful girls who want to be fitness models and think that if they stand there looking long enough, someone will offer to put their face on the cover of a magazine. The news flashes: there are millions of beautiful women out there, and to get noticed, you have to work hard to get this business like everyone else, either by networking or using a good agent (if you can afford one) who does. It’s for you.

Pick a few key industry trade shows to attend (some of which were mentioned above) and go to them each year. Create a plan of attack for exactly how you plan to market yourself and network. Many fitness models, bodybuilders, etc., perceive the show as one big party. If that’s you, have fun at the party, but don’t think you’re really promoting yourself as a serious business person or athlete.

Another thing that always amazes me is the number of fitness models who either don’t have business cards or have a few that they have printed on their bubble printer at home! They ask me to help them or something, and I say “give me your card,” and they look at me like “I’m so pretty I don’t need a card, you fool.” This attitude turns editors, photographers, writers, and industry people off faster than if they find out you’re actually a transvestite. Do not do that. For every pretty girl who thinks the world owes her, there are 100 ready to act like a pro.

Have you ever wondered why a fitness model you know is doing better than you, even though you know you’re prettier than her? This may be why you should never go to a show to network without good cards, bios, and professionally done head and body shots that you can provide to said editors, publishers, photographers, industry people, etc. Don’t stand and look. I am pretty much assuming they will find you, so find them first and introduce yourself. And of course, it goes without saying that you need to be in good shape and have a tan to look your best.

Do you want to go to shows and party? Fine, but do it in private after the job is done and don’t make a fool of yourself at some industry sponsored meeting. Heck, last year’s Arnold Classic practically put me in the booth after going to a sushi place with some well-known industry types and business owners (you know who you are!), but at least no one saw me! We had our own little private gathering after the show to let loose.

Let me give you one final real-world example of how NOT to sell yourself. Last year, I worked as a consultant for a mid-sized nutritional supplement company. The owner of the company asked me if I knew of a couple of types of fitness models that would be useful for his booth at the show. In fact, he requested “some unknowns, some new faces that people hadn’t seen before but had real potential to grow with the company.” I went and found him two girls that I thought fit the bill.

He offered to pay for their flights, room and board, and a thousand dollars each for days of work. Both girls were told to be at the stand at 9 a.m. The night before, at the hotel, I saw two girls get into a cab around 11pm, dressed to kill, obviously going to a party. The next day, they arrived at the booth an hour and a half late and stayed over! What was the result of this? This confused me to no end because I had recommended them to the business owner. (2) they would never get work from that company again. (3) they would never get work from me again. (4) they would never get a reference from us for other jobs.

I see this type of thing all the time in the fitness business, and it’s not just for fitness models. Amazingly, a few weeks after the show, they emailed me and the business owner wanting to know when their next job would be! Amazing..

Who loves you, baby?

If there’s one universal truth, it’s that the camera either loves you or it doesn’t. Any professional photographer will tell you that. For some unknown reason, some people are very photogenic and some are not. Truth be told, there are some well-known fitness models (who shall remain nameless because they might see me next) who are less attractive. It’s just that the camera loves them and they’re very photogenic but not terribly pretty.

Conversely, I have seen the reverse many times; a girl who looks much better in person than in photos. Such is the fate of a person who wants to be a model of any kind, including a fitness model. If you think you’re not very photogenic, keep working with different photographers until you find one that captures you really well, and pay that photographer well!

Now, to be fair, there are also some aspiring fitness models who aren’t “unphotogenic,” they’re just “blurry”! There are some people who have no business trying to be fitness models. That doesn’t make them bad people; it just means they need to let go of their illusions and find a better-suited profession, such as radio personality…

“How do I get into the magazines?”

This section covers everything I’ve covered above and adds some additional strategies. For example, as I mentioned earlier, competing in fitness shows and/or figure or bikini shows can increase your exposure, thereby attracting the attention of a magazine publisher or photographer. Networking properly at various trade shows can also have the same effect, and of course, having a photographer build a good portfolio that really reflects your look, a good website, etc. will all increase your potential to get into magazines, or get advertising work, etc.

However, all of these strategies are still somewhat passive versus active in my opinion. It is still a fitness model waiting to be “discovered”. As far as I’m concerned, waiting is for bus stops and pregnancy tests. Success waits for no man… or woman, like me. So, once all the above tips are taken into account as they have an added impact on magazine coverage, what else can be done?

First, you should read and familiarise yourself with all the magazines you want to be in, so you know what’s what and what the style of the different magazines is. I can tell you right away if the editor-in-chief of a good-sized fitness or bodybuilding publication says, “Hi, I’m Bob Smith. What’s your name?” and a fitness model has no idea who Bob Smith is, Bob won’t take it. Why should he? You should know who the major players are in the publications you want to be featured in. He is doing you good, not the other way around. You need to know who the key players are and actively seek them out. Don’t wait for them to “discover” you.

If you look at the title of any journal, it will tell you who the publisher is, who the editor-in-chief is, and so on. A mailing address and often a website and email for that magazine can also be found. What’s stopping you from searching for those words and sending them your pictures and resume directly? Nothing, that’s what. If you see a photo spread that you think is really well done, what’s to stop you from finding out who the photographer is, contacting them directly and sending them your images? Nothing, that’s what.

My point is, if you want a break in the business, take a break. Don’t sit around and think it’s looking for you because it’s not. Be proactive, not reactive! Success is a design residue. be successful by design. As my older brother used to say when I was a kid when I told him I was too scared to ask a pretty girl, “What’s the worst that can happen, Will? All she can say is “no.” It is also the worst thing that can happen to you.

Beware of web idiots, schlubs, morons, perverts, scum, and slackers!

This part goes without saying, but it’s worth mentioning. As with all entertainment-based media industries (such as television, theater, modeling, etc.), the fitness industry attracts most of the web’s idiots, schlubs, morons, perverts, dirtbags, and slackers. Not much

There is also a class of people known as schmoes, but we will leave that for another place and time. The point is, you want to meet the right people while not getting involved with a group of worthless people who will only drag you down, delay you, or just plain screw you up.

For example, a guy comes up and says he wants to “shoot” you for magazines, but what do you really know about this guy? He has a camera and some business cards, so he’s a photographer, right? Wrong! If someone wants to shoot you and isn’t a household name (and you should know who the household photographers are because you’ve already researched it!), find out who they are. Do they have references you can call? You can relate to them. He has filmed before and was happy with the work. What journals has he published in? Is he doing it professionally or as a hobby? That kind of stuff

Another thing I see is the big web scam. I’m amazed at how many girls get scammed by these web idiots. The lesson here is that you get what you pay for, so if someone wants to build you a website for free, you get what you pay for. Yes, you can make good money online, and the network can be great for marketing yourself and making contacts, but most of it is a scam.

It’s better to pay a good web designer and webmaster who has experience with other types of fitness models and references you can talk to. I can’t tell you the number of girls who have been taken by some internet things gone to hell, like “fans” who volunteer to create a free website and either run away with the money earned from the site or put it on porn sites of their choice, and many other things that make them regret agreeing to this site.

Obviously, I can’t go through a list of all the possible web idiots, schlubs, morons, perverts, shitheads, and scumbags found in the entertainment business, but you get the idea. Beware!


That pretty much wraps up my down-and-dirty guide to the basics of “building” a fitness model. Of course, there are many business-related issues I could cover and tricks I could give, but the above is the best advice you’re going to find in a small space, and it will do more for you than you might realize.

How to overcome common fears of joining a group fitness class

Group fitness classes are the perfect way to stay fit and healthy. They offer a wide variety of classes to fit the needs of a group and meet a wide range of fitness goals. There is so much to be said about the benefits of joining a fitness class. Group fitness classes are the most popular form of exercise, but for many people, group fitness classes can also be intimidating.

There is so much to be said about the benefits of joining a fitness class. Group fitness classes are the most popular form of exercise, but for many people, group fitness classes can also be intimidating.

group fitness class.

Group fitness is a craze all over the country. These classes are for anyone and everyone, including you! With hundreds of different types of fitness classes to choose from, you’re sure to find one that’s right for you.

Feeling the energy of the group will help you stay focused and energised during your workout. It really is an amazing feeling to participate in group exercise.

Here are some types of classes you might be interested in:

Yoga and Pilates: Yoga and Pilates are excellent for improving balance, flexibility, and core strength.A group class is a great way to learn the proper techniques and proper form required for each pose.

Zumba is an aerobic type of class that is ideal for burning calories, strengthening your heart and getting your blood flowing. Zumba is a dance-style aerobics class where you will dance to music and have fun. Group classes like Zumba are very popular and a lot of fun, especially because they take place in a group environment where the energy around you is very contagious. The more, the better!

CrossFit is a comprehensive training class that will take your fitness level to new heights. This class uses a variety of functional movements, lots of strength training, and offers a wide variety of classes that change daily with the infamous CrossFit WOD (Workout of the Day).

It is also one of the most popular group exercises that can help you lose weight, gain strength, improve daily functionality, and build lean muscle tone.

Other classes

Many other types of classes are available at gyms, studios, community centers, and universities across the country. Decide what your fitness goals are and let them guide you to class. Don’t be afraid to try a few of them and see which one works best for you.

Fighting fear

The most common type of fear is the fear of the unknown. If we let our fear control us, it can prevent us from experiencing new things and growing in unique ways. Fear can also keep people from pursuing proactive fitness goals and staying away from exercise classes.

Don’t be afraid! Read on to learn some of the most effective ways to overcome fear.

Tips for dealing with your fears

You are not the only one who feels bullied; many people do. Everyone was taking this fitness class for the first time. There will likely be other first-timers in the class with you.

Consider this:

  • The first time is always the hardest. Once you walk through the door to the classroom, the hard part is over.
  • Bring a friend to class. Having someone to keep you company can do wonders to help ease those feelings of dread.
  • Don’t worry about what others think. Everyone is ready to train and is more focused on themselves than anyone else. You might be surprised at how many people are concerned about what you think of them.
  • Have fun! Make your experience fun and enjoyable. Once the class starts, you’ll be having too much fun to remember that you’re scared. Remember, if classes weren’t fun, people wouldn’t go to them. That means you’re more likely to enjoy yourself too!
  • Focus on your goals. A group fitness class is required to achieve your fitness goals. Focus on your fitness goals and let everything else go.
  • Get to know the people in your class. The more people you know in class, the more fun the class can be and the less intimidating it will become.
  • Talk to the instructor before the class starts. They can put your mind at ease and give you some advice so you don’t feel so out of place. Your teacher is a trained professional to help you.

Don’t let fear hold you back from participating in health and fitness, and remember that not only will you gain the opportunity to be healthier, but you’ll also conquer your fear, which is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world.

Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness, and Sports Club, a website dedicated to promoting health, fitness, and wellness. The site covers a wide range of health and fitness activities, including general health, pilates, yoga, CrossFit, treadmill training, running, kettlebell, swimming, baseball, camping, hunting, HIIT, triathlons, extreme sports, equestrian and more. If this topic interests you, you can visit the HF & S Club home page for over 1,300 quality posts with new posts posted daily. For quick access to those of interest, you can choose from any of 20 categories divided into over 260 subcategories for easy access.

You can also visit any of the four HF & S Club stores, all of which stock 1,000 sports and health products at the best prices.

Five reasons why you should buy a fitness tracker

First of all, it is very important to stay physically fit to be able to perform daily tasks effectively and efficiently as our lifestyle progresses. And to further increase our fitness levels and improve our lives, we must have a fitness tracker that keeps track of how healthy and fit our bodies are at a given moment.

In addition to this, there are several other reasons why you should own and use a fitness tracker. It’s a great tool, especially if you have a lot to do in a limited amount of time. So, it’s time to get a fitness tracker that suits people’s budgets and fitness goals. Remember, the quality and features of the fitness watch should decide which one best suits your requirements.


A fitness tracker isn’t just a gadget, it’s more of a fitness friend and motivational partner. The main purpose of this watch is to keep track of a person’s fitness routine and motivate them to stay fit. This device allows you to view information about all the actions he has taken, so you can know where his efforts have been invested throughout the day. This information will help you set smarter goals later.

Fitness goals

The fitness watch is a helper in setting future goals. By offering a visual impression of your improvements and progress, this device allows you to set goals smartly and set better goals based on what you’ve already done. But before you can set better goals, you first need to note the purpose of the tracker—whether it’s weight loss, body building, sleep tracking, or some other use.

Heart rate monitoring:

Another benefit of this device is that it continuously monitors your heart rate whether you are working or resting. This would help highlight activities that cause overload during exercise. This is a great way to control your heart rate.

Sleep tracking

A fitness watch plays a role in every activity, be it exercising or even sleeping. Quality sleep is also a very important factor in a person’s lifestyle. Moreover, it also optimises the success rate of your fitness schedule. The body needs enough sleep to compensate for all the daily fatigue and for proper tissue repair and formation.

Swimming and scuba

Regular swimmers should buy a waterproof fitness tracker. With this device, they can get more out of their swimming programme as they continuously receive data about their fitness schedule even in the water. In addition to this, detailed information on swimming strokes and pace can also be obtained.

Fitness certainly plays a big role. However, it is more important to keep track of physical fitness. This would help achieve better goals and increase efficiency. So one must definitely get a fitness tracker , which lets you know whether he/she is moving in the right direction or not.

With more and more fitness-conscious people, the fitness tracker has gained immense popularity and is a great way to track an individual’s daily activities.

Mental fitness: The missing link to wellness?

We recently experienced another tragic event: a mass stabbing at a Pittsburgh-area high school. Just a week before that, there was another mass shooting in Fort Hood. And before that, a series of devastating and preventable tragedies that seem to become more common by the day. Navy Yard, Aurora, Newtown, Virginia Tech, Columbine: words that once simply conjured up peaceful places across our great country that, unfortunately, now conjure up devastating memories of untold heartbreak.

In the midst of all this, the national dialogue has started to take shape again. It’s one that, given the questionable mental stability of many shooters at these events, involves discussions about our nation’s attitudes and policies toward mental health.

Are we doing enough to treat the mentally ill?

How can we better screen people for mental illness?

How can we keep guns out of the hands of those with a history of mental instability?

And so on…

But here’s a question I haven’t heard yet: “What can we do to prevent mental illness in the first place?”

It seems logical. And truth be told, if we were dealing with a flu epidemic, obesity, or any other physical disease, prevention would be at the top of the list. But strangely enough, our cultural attitudes and habits regarding mental health are fundamentally different from those regarding physical health.

Consider this.

In the physical realm, it’s generally accepted (though not always practiced) that if you want a healthy body, you need to do preventative maintenance: brush your teeth; eat reasonably healthy food; exercise; get enough rest. Day in and day out, we engage in a series of activities designed to help improve our physical well-being and longevity.

In other words, we understand that fitness is the precursor to physical health. However, in matters concerning our spiritual and emotional nature, we find a different story.

Most Americans don’t consider habits to nourish and exercise our mental and emotional beings. On the contrary, most of our efforts to meet our mental and emotional needs are more about pampering than physical fitness. Are you feeling stressed? Grab a beer with friends. Sadness let you down? Watch the latest blockbuster. Worried about work? How about a round of golf?

Instead of increasing our mental capacity, we are medicating ourselves. We engage in activities to make us feel better in the short term without really addressing the underlying problem of not being able to take on and deal with life’s challenges. It’s like preventing weight gain by removing all the mirrors in your house. Sure, it may make you feel better temporarily, but what does it do to solve the problem?

The truth is, it’s an approach that too often produces what can only be described as a free-living, wild mind.

Certain mental preparations

To be clear, mental preparation in this context does not refer to the development of knowledge or even mental acuity. This is an important point. Many of the mental activities we do to develop our minds have very little to do with mental preparation, as discussed here. Examples of activities that do not significantly increase our level of mental preparedness include:

 Data processing as part of the learning process

 Using cognitive capabilities to make the mind more agile

 Participating in activities that calm and nourish a troubled mind and emotions

This is not to say that these activities are not worthwhile and valuable, as they are obviously vital to our development as productive and happy human beings. However, for the most part, they do not help to increase our ability to synthesise relatively easy-to-fulfilling experiences under the most difficult conditions. And cultivating this effortless experience is the heart of mental fitness.

The key to understanding mental fitness is the concept of ability. Mental fitness is a person’s ability to withstand life’s challenges without being unduly thrown off balance. It’s the ability to endure a layoff, endure a health diagnosis, or face financial challenges with poise, elegance, and a sense of confident calm.

We all know people like this, who never seem to get angry. Redundancy? No problem. An IRS audit? OK, good. Traffic accident? No mind. While everyone around them is excited, these people remain calm, cool, and collected regardless of life’s situations. So what is it about these people that makes them so well equipped to handle life’s challenges skillfully?

You guessed it: they have a level of mental conditioning that allows them to artistically ride out such things. The higher your level of mental fitness, the greater your mental and emotional capacity and ability to live happily despite life’s twists and turns.

Clearly, this immunity to being overwhelmed by life’s ups and downs comes more naturally to some people than to others. And it’s true, some people seem to be born with a natural ability to handle life’s challenges artistically; that is, they are gifted with a higher than average level of mental preparation. But-and this is very important-this in no way means that the level of mental preparation of a person is fixed.

Again, we can take clues from the physical realm. The same goes for our innate fitness levels. Some of us are natural-born athletes, others are something else. Although we humans come in all shapes and sizes and physical abilities, no matter what a person’s natural fitness level is, we can ALL benefit from exercise, improve our fitness and live healthier, happier lives .

And so it is with mental fitness.

This means that we are neither victims of our natural level of mental fitness nor of circumstances. Remember, the higher our mental preparation, the easier it is for us to remain undisturbed by the inevitable difficulties that life throws at us. So it paves the way for greater happiness and contentment in good and bad times.

And just as importantly, developing yourself in this way can serve as an important part of the health of our communities. Physical fitness helps prevent physical illnesses. Mental fitness helps prevent mental illness. It is a simple means to improve the well-being of all of us.

With this understanding, the problem becomes increasing our mental preparedness—our ability to remain mentally and emotionally intact in ever-changing circumstances, especially situations that have historically thrown us off balance.

How can I increase my mental fitness?

So, all of this begs the question: “How do we increase our level of mental fitness?” Surprisingly, it’s easier and simpler than you might think, and it’s actually not that different from how we build more fitness!

Think about it. To increase our physical abilities, such as the ability to lift weights, you must physically challenge yourself. To lift more weight, you need to lift more weight. Strength increases when you consciously lift just a little more weight than you feel comfortable with. If you can lift 80 pounds easily, lift 85. Once you can lift 85 without difficulty, move up to 90; and so on. You stretch your weight lifting capacity by always lifting just a little more than is comfortable and staying on top of the burn.

The same principle applies when you work to expand your mental and emotional capacities. Here, too, the call remains the same: do a little more than is comfortable and stick to the burn. But to expand our mental and emotional capacities, rather than the necessary physical weight to provide the resistance necessary for growth, we need difficulty or challenge.

Here’s the thing: Life’s challenges, the ones that usually make us dizzy, are to our mental fitness what weights are to our physical fitness. These are challenges that can be used to increase our ability to calmly face life’s challenges, but only if we see the possibilities for what they are.

I would confess. There are many more nuances to effectively increasing our level of mental preparedness than this simplistic explanation. However, the premise is still valid. And I know this from experience.

You see, my life’s work is to help people cultivate optimal mental and emotional fitness. Over the years, I have seen thousands of people create peace and fulfillment, even in the midst of torrents of frustration and challenge. The tools I’ve chosen are drawn from the ancient wisdom of yoga (tapping into the lesser-known spiritual and emotional aspects of the practise beyond just yoga poses and breath), but that doesn’t mean they’re the only tools you can use for this.

Is this focus on mental fitness a silver bullet? Will it end mental illness and completely prevent future murders and other similar tragedies? Not far. The truth is that mental fitness cannot completely eradicate mental illness any more than physical fitness can completely eradicate physical illness.

We will always need treatments, facilities, and trained professionals to meet the needs of those affected by mental illness. As we do for those who are physically ill.

But if we could take steps to reduce the incidence of such diseases by even 5, 10, or 20 percent, wouldn’t that be worth it?

The appeal here is to look at the enormous impact that improving physical fitness has had on reducing physical illness. And then focus on using the same principles to increase our mental fitness to help reduce the incidence of mental illness as well.

While the true impact of such a move is unclear, it seems clear from where I sit that we owe it to the victims and families of these senseless tragedies to at least try.

Eric Wallrabenstein is the founder of Yoga Pura and is one of the most sought-after authorities on the application of yoga techniques for self-healing and empowerment in the country. As an author, speaker, and mind/body health teacher, E is renowned for making the ancient wisdom of yoga practical and applicable to people from all walks of life.

Simple Advice For Reaching Your Long-Term Fitness Objectives

You probably desire to be more physically fit and healthy than you now are. If so, you’ll have to put in a lot of effort to reach your objectives. Unfortunately, many people will begin but stop after a few weeks. It’s not simple to get in shape. However, you can attain your objectives if you persevere and work hard. You’ll find straightforward advice in this manual that can make it slightly more uncomplicated for you to reach your fitness objectives.

Set attainable objectives

It would be best if you were cautious when setting goals in the first place. You have a strong possibility of never succeeding if you try to take on more than you can handle. Try burning 5 or 10 calories daily instead of 40 in a month. Setting impossible standards for yourself will only make matters worse. To maintain your motivation throughout, set more manageable, smaller goals.

Plan ahead

While at it, you should make sure you have a plan. There is a considerable risk that you won’t succeed if you establish your goals without a clear plan. Instead, you’ll keep going in circles and achieve nothing. Decide what you want to do, and then work up a plan for how to do it. Create a plan that fits your lifestyle and follow it.

Cooperate with a friend

There’s a decent possibility that you know one or two people who want to slim down and get in shape. It can be pretty challenging to go it alone. Working with a friend might be a lot simpler. Invite a buddy to join you by finding them. Doing this will give you a better chance of succeeding in your objectives. Both of you can help their friend, and they will help you.

Getting Rid of Your Cravings

Unfortunately, many people struggle to lose weight because they cannot restrain their appetite. You must stop your urges if you want to reduce weight. There are many methods for reducing your appetite. Supplement use can be beneficial. You can also eat particular foods to suppress your appetite.

Get Rid of Bad Habits

It would be best if you also stopped your negative habits. Your fitness and health will be destroyed by drinking and smoking. These behaviours should be eliminated from your life as soon as you can. Since vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking, you should look into Friske Drag Mods if you’re struggling to quit. It’s unnecessary to stop drinking, but cutting back is advised.

While adults must solve massive challenges to lead a healthy, happy life, students require a sharp intellect to learn new topics and handle exam pressure. Yoga thereby promotes the wellness of your body and mind. Simple yoga poses like lotus, plough, sitting, and standing forward bends boost blood flow to the brain and relieve stress, which helps to relax the mind. Exercises that involve holding your breath, in particular, might improve your focus and alertness while enhancing your mental clarity. So, taking a moment to breathe can help you unwind, calm down, and de-stress. Regular deep breathing exercises can lower heart rate and blood pressure, reducing stroke risk. You will feel more concentrated after taking a few deep breaths, which calms your mind.

Workout more

Last but not least, be sure to up your level of activity. You won’t be able to reach your goals if you don’t exercise and work out frequently enough. With this in mind, it would be best if you headed out to the track. Jump rope, take a walk, or use a treadmill to run. To keep yourself inspired along the road, switch things up.

6 Fitness Exercises to Increase Brain Power

We are all well aware of the importance of exercise for our bodies, but did you know that it also strengthens and helps to boost our brainpower? Fitness exercise, according to research, is crucial for improving memory and maintaining mental acuity. The brain’s memory, focus, and even brilliance are enhanced by the fitness workouts listed below. Start engaging in these physical activities and increasing your intake of fresh produce if you want to boost your brainpower. We’ll delve deeper into each of these six brain exercises in this article to assist you in improving your mental acuity and helping people of all ages maintain healthy brains.

  1. Plank: A full-body exercise

Even if you’re an adult who struggles to give your senses and brain a pause or a student exploring over the web for platforms like EduWorldUSA to outsource projects, the plank is a simple exercise that can help you sharpen your cognitive abilities and increase mental focus. According to research, even 15 to 30 minutes of physical activity helps to activate the brain and improve concentration. Planking increases blood flow to the brain and keeps you alert. It enhances memory, tones muscles, and enables you to stay in shape. A bodyweight workout called the plank stance improves our biomotor abilities, such as stamina, flexibility, and balance. Additionally, if you continue to exercise frequently and maintain a healthy diet, your metabolism will increase, allowing your muscles to release stress.

  1. Squat to ward off mental drowsiness

It’s not always fun to exercise. Each of us has experienced the phase where we desire to develop a healthier routine that includes a regular workout plan. Still, somehow we get sidetracked due to a lack of time or finances, and this routine never materialises. The squat is a muscle-strengthening exercise that promotes continued physical activity, which is ideal for the grey matter and supports maintaining the health of your brain. According to research, when we squat, our brain receives signals that stimulate the growth of new, healthy brain cells. Yes! Thanks to these different nerve cells, you can adjust to further mental and physical pressures. Squats aid in cognitive health and lower body muscle development.

  1. Jumping Jacks: Packed with cognitive-enhancing potential

We are aware of the significance of sleep for brain health. A healthy lifestyle that includes exercise might aid in enhancing sleep. Anxiety and sadness, among other mental health problems, can be brought on by sleep deprivation. Try to divide your work into two groups if you are a college student struggling with some assignments that you must turn in in one or two days. The first assignment would be the one you can do by the deadline without interfering with your sleep. For the remaining tasks, you can hunt for a professional expert on a site like TrumpLearning, where you can post requests like “do my physics homework.” Now that your blood is pumping, you may schedule this warm-up activity to give your brain a jolt of energy and help you decompress and clear your thoughts.

  1. Running is beneficial to the brain.

Do you realise how beneficial running is to our brains? Your heart begins to beat and force blood through your body and thoughts as soon as you start jogging. A student’s life is challenging. To improve concentration and get their body moving, students need to exercise. Regular physical activity helps regenerate brain tissue and enhance cognitive function. You won’t believe this, but jogging aids learning, higher-level thinking, and decision-making. Poor decision-making, for example, can lead you to spend hours on a straightforward math issue and then submit unfinished homework or assignments. The correct method to handle that issue is to hire someone to complete my online math course, enabling you to turn in your work more quickly.

  1. Brain-activating breathing exercises

You aren’t looking after your body, and you’re not looking after your head either. Breathing is one of the best ways to feel content and at ease. Breathing exercises can improve your body’s capacity to handle mental tension while simultaneously reviving your body and mind. Simply put, the breathing practice enhances brain function and aids in bringing your awareness to the present moment. Exercises that involve holding your breath, in particular, might improve your focus and alertness while enhancing your mental clarity. So, taking a moment to breathe can help you unwind, calm down, and de-stress. Regular deep breathing exercises can lower heart rate and blood pressure, reducing stroke risk. You will feel more concentrated after taking a few deep breaths, which calms your mind.

  1. Yoga: Boost memory and mental acuity

Well, a lot of us underestimate the strength of yoga. Yoga improves memory and focuses while also keeping your body healthy. We know that our brain regulates our speech, thought, and emotional capacity. We must put up the work and activity necessary to keep our brains engaged for our bodies to function correctly. While adults must solve massive challenges to lead a healthy, happy life, students require a sharp intellect to learn new topics and handle exam pressure. Yoga thereby promotes the wellness of your body and mind. Simple yoga poses like lotus, plough, sitting, and standing forward bends boost blood flow to the brain and relieve stress, which helps to relax the mind.

Fitness Exercises for health that will benefit your academic endeavors

It takes a lot of effort for most students to prepare successfully for all their tests. To improve their cognitive talents, they all work hard to do so. While most of us think that reading and arithmetic problems are better for our brains than yoga or jogging, there is empirical proof that fitness activities can improve brain function, improving our learning capacity.

It is no surprise that Pro-Papers offers expert writing assistance whenever you don’t feel like finishing your schoolwork. Alternatively, you could try to raise your academic performance on your own by incorporating more exercise into your daily routine. By reading the article, learn how physical activities might help you prepare for mental obstacles like impending exams and other tasks requiring creativity and a high degree of mental attentiveness.

Develop More Energy

Be aware that you acquire more energy the more you train. Regular exercise will improve your physical and mental endurance, giving you the power to develop unique ideas. It makes no difference whether you choose for a lengthy stroll or only fifteen minutes of brisk walking about your home; either way, your body will still feel reenergized on a cellular level.

Improve Your Memory Power

It has been shown that aerobic exercise positively affects the hippocampus, which is in charge of how your memories are formed. Evidence supports the idea that your brain becomes more extensive as you get more fit. Including some aerobic workouts in your life can have a favourable impact on your academic accomplishment because this part of the brain is engaged in memorizing, which is strongly tied to your learning activity. Try walking or cycling while you study if you are having trouble learning a foreign language; you’ll be surprised at how simple it is to memorize new words.

Keep Your Mental Health Strong

Exercise for fitness can have a significant impact on your mood. There is such a thing as a natural runner’s high after challenging workouts. Given that it is unclear how many endorphins enter an athlete’s brain during exercise, it is possible that an endorphin rush does not cause the euphoria that most athletes experience while performing their sport. However, it has been demonstrated that when people experience a runner’s high, their circulation has higher levels of endogenous opiates. When you don’t feel like studying, consider this. Probably a half-hour of running well enough.

As a student, you reportedly deal with a lot of stress inside and outside the classroom. This tension is typically brought on by peer pressure, an abundance of homework, test preparation, and other factors. To deal with that emotion lot more accessible, you should train more. A quick aerobic session will help you not only avoid the negative consequences of stress but also manage your anger and boost your self-esteem.

Strengthen Your Focus

Fitness activities can improve your focus and assist you in better concentrating on your study tasks and improve memory formation. Children of school age from the Netherlands took part in a study. Additionally, a twenty-minute aerobics session in between classes could significantly improve the students’ attention span, per the results obtained.

After attending sports lessons every day for an entire academic year, students in the USA have shown promising outcomes in their ability to ignore distractions, manage numerous tasks, and retain educational material. If you find this engaging, schedule a ten-minute session of coordination exercises, such as simultaneously bouncing two balls with two hands, regularly to improve your attention.

Your Performance Must Improve

Have you ever observed that you can accomplish more in less time the busier you are? Production undoubtedly encourages further productivity. You are more likely to achieve academically if you are productive in class. If you try to work out before school, you’ll behave better, perform better, and manage your time more effectively. You’ll also be nicer to your teachers and friends. Your academic output will undoubtedly increase as a result of all of these.

In conclusion, anyone may get the rewards of physical activity. You don’t have to be a professional athlete. You will be surprised at how inventive and active you can be if you add a half-hour or two of cardio exercises to your daily routine.

Do fitness makes you perfect ?

Exercise Types

You know the old adage “all gears, I don’t know.” Isn’t this little nail ring on the gym stage real? Say you don’t think so, especially when you see one of the “point reduction” machines on the lift! I mean, The equipment that most of us are introduced to when we start in the gym is the first. These are free weights and machine weights. In terms of free weights, we are talking about dumbbells, kettle bells, dumbbells, etc. According to Matt, “free weights not only build bigger muscles, but also increase the need to strengthen muscles. There is more potential to meet your individual needs. Such as changing your take, position or direction. In terms of machine weight, these are definitely the best starters for beginners. In fact, you should check out the previous blog where we broke down the top five gym machines and why we should use them. As Matt explains, “Machine weights provide an excellent introduction to the basic movements of resistance training. They are fast, easy and safe. “

Now, for some concrete facts If you find your children in your project, consider replacing them with great alternatives provided by Matt.

Curl machine / crunch ab

First, the Curl Machine App or the Crunch Machine. It is a classic equipment, but in all honesty it offers very little. “Unfortunately, there is no localized fat reduction such as the elimination of belly fat. In general, these machines have a “one size fits all” system, and it can be extremely difficult for customers to properly operate the right muscles, explains Matt. How to try the boards? If the “belly fat” is really a complex part, you will have to deal with it the old, let’s not ask for this “healthy standard diet.” Standard resistance training and alignment. Stable sleep and stress management. Notice the consistent word.